Page 198 - Cable Art Inc Catalog
P. 198

Seismic Cable

                   Seismic Bracing Cable

                   Seismic Bracing Cable comes in lengths that are easily   SEISMIC BRACING CABLE
                   cut to produce cable assemblies in the field using Seismic                               LOAD   FEET
                   Anchor Fittings. Convenient spool sizes make it easy to   CABLE  PART  LOOS & CO.  CABLE  RATING  PER
                   move around job sites and are always handy to do jobs   DIA.   NO.    PART NO.  COLOR   (lbs.)  SPOOL
                   where many different cable lengths are needed. Use in   3/32"  76C3GD250  GO3-CBL  GOLD  418    250'
                   combination with Loos zinc-plated oval sleeves and Seismic   1/8"  76C4OR250  OR4-CBL  ORANGE  770  250'
                   Anchor Fittings to make secure brace connections that are   3/16"  76C6GR250  GR6-CBL  GREEN  1,900  250'
                   stronger than the cable itself.  Seismic Braces Unique Features:       BL8-CBL  BLACK   3,180   250'

              SEISMIC BRACING  • Are Third Party listed (UL & ICC-ES ) for use in   • Have swaged end fittings as required by the 2012 IBC
                                          Loos & Company’s Seismic Braces are the only cable sway braces that:

                                                                          per ASCE 19-10, which does not permit wedge and clip
                       complying with NFPA 13 for fire sprinkler systems.
                                                                          type fittings.
                      • Are Third Party listed for use in complying with the
                                                                         • Certify the minimum breaking strength of the sway
                       International Building Code (IBC).
                                                                          bracing assemblies.
                      • Are Third Party tested/listed to verify that cable
                       assemblies, including fittings, maintain the cable
                       nominal breaking strength per ASCE 19, as required by
                                                                         • Are listed by FBC for system compatibility with Lubrizol
                       IBC, ASCE 7 and NFPA13.                           • Comply with NFPA 13, ASCE 19, the IBC and ASCE 7.
                                                                          CPVC pipe.

                    CABLE   MINIMUM BREAK  LOAD AT 90˚ LOAD AT 30˚- 44˚ LOAD AT 45˚- 59˚ LOAD AT 60˚- 89˚  CABLE DIA.  CABLE DIA.
                    COLOR    STRENGTH (lbs.)   (lbs.)       (lbs.)         (lbs.)        (lbs.)      (in.)       (in.)
                     GOLD        920           418          209            295           361        .09375      .10575
                    ORANGE      1,700          770          385            544           666        .125        .139
                    GREEN       4,200         1,900         950          1,343          1,645       .1875       .2055
                    BLACK       7,000         3,180        1,590         2,248          2,753       .250        .268


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