Page 93 - Cable Art Inc Catalog
P. 93

Non-Tensioning Fittings                                                           NON-TENSIONERS

                   Swage Jaw

                                                                                          “L”                                 IMPORT OPTIONS / NON-TENSIONERS

                                                                       “D”                                     “G”


                                                            SWAGE JAW (IMPORT)                              SWAGE  316SS
                                                             CABLE    PART      “L”      “J”       “G”      “D”    “S”
                   Utilizing “clevis” style ends for cable    DIA.     NO.     LENGTH JAW DEPTH JAW OPENING  DIA.  PIN SIZE
                   attachment allows for connection to eye bolts,   1/8"  33FSJ0402    2.60"   .46"    .32"   .248"    .240"
                   tee stock, angle iron, flat bars, tabs, etc. The
                   jaw feature allows for angled takeoff without   3/16"  33FSJ0602  3.30"  .56"    .44"    .358"  .310"
                   the use of additional hardware. Typically paired   1/4"  33FSJ0802  4.87"  .68"  .46"    .494"  .350"
                   with Fixed Jaw Turnbuckle, page 75.       5/16"  33FSJ1002   5.87"   1.30"       .65"    .635"  .625"
                                                              3/8"  33FSJ1202   6.00"   1.50"       .76"    .703"  .750"
                                                              1/2"  33FSJ1602   7.70"   1.85"       .93"    .844"   .750"
                                                            HANDY CRIMP* (IMPORT)                            CRIMP  316SS
                                                              1/8"  33FSJ0412    2.25"   .51"       .315"    .219"    .192"
                                                             3/16"  33FSJ0612   2.80"    .60"      .405"    .295"  .310"
                                                           *Requires 82TST20 Handy Crimp Tool. See Tools, page 228.

                   Marine Eye
                                                                         “D”                              +   “W”



                                           MARINE EYE (IMPORT)                                              SWAGE  316SS
                   A tensioner is required on the   CABLE  PART  “L”   “W”        “C”      “D”    “X”     “Y”      “S”
                   other end of the cable.   DIA.     NO.    LENGTH EYE WIDTH EYE THICKNESS  DIA.  LENGTH EYE LENGTH  PIN DIA.
                                             1/8"   33FME04   2.20"    .54"       .16"     .248"  .35"     .68"    .255"
                                             3/16"  33FME06   3.20"    .87"       .27"     .355"  .68"    1.11"    .390"
                                             1/4"   33FME08   3.75"   1.10"       .32"     .490"  .70"    1.24"    .490"
                                             5/16"  33FME10   5.00"   1.26"       .41"     .630"  .94"    1.64"    .575"
                                             3/8"   33FME12   5.70"   1.41"       .47"     .700"  .93"    1.65"    .650"


          Cat21 S5 74-83.indd  81                                                                                       12/3/20  12:27 AM
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