Page 237 - Cable Art Inc Catalog
P. 237

Nicopress Hand Swage Tools

                   Engineered for field conditions, Nicopress toggle-     The toggle-action mechanism produces perfect
                   action tools are manufactured from alloyed forged     splices with a minimum of handle force. Tools have
                   steel with specially hardened working surfaces.       either single or multiple marked pressing grooves,
                   Tools are designed to create maximum metal flow        matching similar marking found on Nicopress
                   of the splicing sleeve around the wire or conductor.   sleeves. “GO” gauges supplied with each tool
                   This results in splices that are strong and reliable.   assure accurate compression of sleeves.

                   Nicopress 17 Series Tool                              Nicopress 63, 64 Series Tools

                                           NICOPRESS 17 SERIES TOOL
                                               PART     NICOPRESS                                NICOPRESS
                                                NO.      PART NO.                                63, 64 SERIES TOOLS
                                             11TN17B4B    17-B4B                                     PART     NICOPRESS
                                             11TN17BA     17-BA                                       NO.      PART NO.
                                                                                                  11TN63VXPM   63V-XPM
                   Nicopress 31, 32, 33 Series Tools                                              11TN64CGMP   64-CGMP
                                                                                                 11TN64CGMPC 64-CGMP-C

                                                                         Nicopress 3 Series Tool

                                           31, 32, 33 SERIES TOOLS
                                               PART     NICOPRESS
                                                NO.      PART NO.                                NICOPRESS 3 SERIES TOOL
                                              11TN31B      31-B                                      PART     NICOPRESS      NICOPRESS ®  TOOLS
                                            11TN32VCVG   32 -VC-VG                                    NO.      PART NO.
                                                                                                  11TN3F2950   3-F2-950
                                           11TN33VCGB4   33-VC-GB4
                                                                                                  11TN3F6950   3-F6-950
                   Nicopress 51 Series Tool                                                       11TN3G9950   3-G9-950
                                                                                                  11TN3VF6XM   3V-F6-XM
                                                                                                  11TN3H5950   3-H5-950

                                                                         Nicopress Bench Tool
                                           NICOPRESS 51 SERIES TOOL
                                               PART     NICOPRESS
                                                NO.      PART NO.
                                            11TN51B4887  51-B4-887
                                            11TN51C887   51-C-887
                                            11TN51F2850  51-F2-850
                                            11TN51G887   51-G-887
                                                                                                 NICOPRESS BENCH TOOL
                                            11TN51M850   51-M-850
                                                                                                     PART     NICOPRESS
                                             11TN51MJ     51-MJ                                       NO.      PART NO.
                                            11TN51P850   51-P-850                                   11TN510      510
                                            11TN51Q929   51-Q-929                                   11TN300      300
                                            11TN51X850   51-X-850                                Heads sold separately.

                       Visit our website for full selection.

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