Page 241 - Cable Art Inc Catalog
P. 241

Tools for Cable Installation


                                                                         Needed to properly
                                                                         install grommets.
                                                                         Place grommet on tool,
                                                                         align grommet over hole,
                                                                         and tap lightly with a mallet.
                                                                         For 1/8” and 3/16” cable:
                   Cable Lacing Needles                                  Order 20TGT41 for Round Grommet
                   For quickly lacing cable ends through posts without   Order 20TGT42 for Oval Grommet (Slot)
                   snagging. 4½ inches long.                             For 1/4” cable:
                   Order 47T4-3221 for 1/8” cable,                       Order 20TGT81 for Round Grommet
                   Order 47T6-3222 for 3/16” cable                       Order 20TGT82 for Oval Grommet (Slot)
                   Order 47T8-3223 for 1/4” cable

                                                                         Push-Lock  and Pull-Lock
                                                                         Cable Release Tool
                                                                         Releases cable from Push-Lock
                   Cable Tension Gauges                                  and Pull-Lock  type fittings
                                                                         before cables are tensioned.
                   Check the tension on your cables with                 For use with 1/8” cable only.
                   these easy-to-use gauges.                             Order 20TPL4
                   Order 75TPTCR
                   for 1/8”, 3/16” and 1/4” cable
                   Order 75TPT3
                   for 1/4” through 3/8” cable                           Quick Connect
                                                                         Cable Release Tool
                                                                         Releases cable from Quick Connect
                                                                         fittings before cables are tensioned.
                                                                         Available for  1/8” and 3/16” cable.
                                                                         Order 47T4-3128 for 1/8” cable,
                   Hanger Bolt Driver                                    Order 47T6-3158 for 3/16” cable
                   Use to install Adjust-A-Body ®
                   with Hanger Bolt tensioners.
                   Makes driving hanger bolts fast
                   and easy. Includes socket.
                   Order 20TLB4N
                   for 1/8” and 3/16” cable                 1/2” drive   Stainless Steel
                                                                         Cleaner and
                                                                         Dissolves minor corrosion, then                     TOOLS
                   Swage Fitting Gauge                                   leaves a protective coating that
                                                                         lasts for months. Includes an 8-oz.
                   Use this gauge to                                     spray-on rust and stain remover
                   confirm that the fitting                                and a 4-oz. bottle of protectant.
                   is properly swaged.                                   Order 83MT94RF8
                   Order 20TRFG                                          Larger sizes available.


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