Page 130 - Cable Art Inc Catalog
P. 130

SureClose  Gate Hinges

                   SureClose is a hinge and closer, in one small, powerful package!

                   SureClose Gate Hinges and Closers
                   are designed to replace conventional
                   commercial gate hinges and closers
                   through its unique design that hides
                   the closer hydraulics inside the
                   fence post. Precision engineered
                   and superbly finished. There is
                   no compromise of quality with       FLUSH                             CENTER
                   SureClose.                          MOUNT                             MOUNT
                   Self-Closing models:                                                                      FENCE POST
                   SureClose 57
                   SureClose 108                             FENCE POST         GATE              GATE
                   Non-Self-Closing model:
                   SureClose SM

                                                                                              Multiple adjustment options:
                     Dual Bearing Glide System™:
                     Two thrust bearings for consistently                                     • Self-closing speed and force
                     superior performance.                                                    • Final snap-close action
                     Anodized high strength aluminum                                            Horizontal adjustment with
                     It’s a workhorse, tested to                                                center mount bracket
                     500,000 cycles with a 1,500 lb.
                     point load capacity

                     Mounting brackets:
                     A variety of gate brackets allow for
                     virtually any square-post application:
                     • Steel or aluminum                                 Powerful, hidden hydraulics — that don’t leak!
                     • Fastened or welded                                Hydraulics are concealed within the post, providing a
                     • Flush mount or center mount                       controlled, quiet close, in a tamper-resistant, compact design.

                   SureClose Hinge Combinations

                           HINGE            SELF-CLOSING GATE             POINT LOAD          • Maintenance free
                    COMBINATIONS                WEIGHT MAX.*               CAPACITY           • Flush mount and center
                                                                                                mount options
                                                      90 lbs.
                          57 + SM                    180 lbs.               1,500 lbs.        • Non self-closing models
              GATE HARDWARE  108 + 108               180 lbs.               1,500 lbs.        • Multiple adjustment options
                                                                                              • Visibly small footprint
                                                                            1,500 lbs.
                          57 + 57
                         108 + SM
                                                                                              • Prevents gate slam noise and
                                                                                                gate damage
                                                                            1,500 lbs.
                                                     260 lbs.
                                                                                              • Self-closes gates up to
                                                                                                260 lbs.
                         SM + SM
                                                                            1,500 lbs.
                                                                                                50 micron anodizing
                   *CAUTION: Based on max. gate size 72”H x 40”W
                                                                                                (aluminum components)
                   For gates with greater H x W, or if conditions such as wind play a role,   • High corrosion resistance —
                   use hinge combinations with higher self-closing weight ratings.

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